



New work is coming, and I thought it might be interesting to share with you other artists I reference.

Now, keep in mind this list is continuously growing and changing over time. I prefer contemporary art, but also have a deep appreciation for the Renaissance masters when it comes to drawing. 


1. Anselm Kiefer - I first encountered his work my last year in Art school. The combination of his love for constant self inquiry mixed with a unique heavy layered hand, and floating polyhedra strikes a deep cord. My favorite painting of his is titled “Melancholia”. 

2. Hilma Af Klint - I only discovered her in the last three years, while searching for another female artist fascinated with the spiritual “other”. Her unique language and symbolism is something I aspire too. Of course, this past year her popularity grew thanks to a very loving family, and the Guggenheim.

Look up “No. 30, Buddha’s Standpoint in Worldly Life”. It’s complex simplicity brings such a feeling!

3. Robert Fludd - He was a physician, astrologist, and occultist that created incredible etchings of mysticism and Hermeticism. I often refer to his work, when I need a bit of intellectual focus. 

There is a great book of his works and others by Taschen titled “Alchemy and Mysticism”. I’ve read mine so often, that the spine has fallen off. 

4. Andrew Wyeth - I don’t really know what to say except that his work breaths great love through technical focus. He’s another that I refer too for drawing. His paintings of Helga are worth a long examination.

I feel like those are a good starting point. More to come! 

Heather Bruglia